Seminar organization
Editorial job
- Associate editor of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society
(boldface: series lectures)
- (upcoming) Knot Theory and Quantum Topology, AMS Western Sectional Meeting, California Polytechnic, May.
- Ulrich bundles on intersections of quadrics, Perspectives on Moduli in Algebraic Geometry, Brin Mathematics Research Center, January.
- Skein algebra and cluster algebra, geometry and topology seminar, KIAS, December.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, KIAS, November.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces, four-hour lectures, Postech, November.
- Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps, A Showcase of Algebraic Geometry at Undergraduate Institutions, AMS Central Sectional Meeting, University of Texas–San Antonio, September.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, algebra and geometry seminar, Università di Genova, July.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, Automorphisms of Riemann Surfaces and Related Topics, AMS Central Sectional Meeting, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, April.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, Harvard-MIT algebraic geometry seminar, April.
- Presentations of the Roger-Yang generalized skein algebra, Skein Modules in Low Dimensional Topology, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, Howard University, April.
- Cluster algebras and generalized skein algebras, Quantum Topology seminar, online, March.
- Cluster algebras and generalized skein algebras, Knots, graphs and groups seminar, online, March.
- Algebra of conformal blocks, algebra seminar, Fordham, February.
- On roots of complex polynomials, department seminar, Fordham, February.
- Cluster algebras and generalized skein algebras, Knots, Skein Modules, and Categorification, Joint Mathematical Meeting, San Francisco, January.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles, Fordham algebra seminar, November.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles, Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry seminar, CUNY, October.
- Algebraic geometry over finite fields, AG@PUI seminar, October.
- Algebra and Geometry of Conformal Blocks, BrainLink, Incheon, December.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles, department seminar, Fordham University, October.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles, Global KMS conference, online, October.
- Derived category of moduli space of vector bundles, Workshop on Geometry of Moduli Spaces, Gangneung, August.
- Vector bundles and representation theory on a curve, QSMS seminar, Seoul National University, August.
- Compatibility of skein algebra and cluster algebra, algebraic geometry seminar, University of California, Davis, online, May.
- Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps, Special Session on Group Actions on Varieties, KMS Spring Meeting, online, April.
- Introduction to Geometric Invariant Theory, four-hour lecture, DGIST, online, February.
- Derived category of moduli of vector bundles, three-hour lecture, Complex Geometry seminar, IBS, online, January.
- Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps, seminar talk, University of California Riverside, online, November.
- Conformal Blocks in Algebraic Geometry, three-hour lecture, University of Miami, online, October.
- Derived category of moduli of vector bundles, seminar talk, Stanford University, online, September.
- Generalized skein algebra and decorated Teichmuller space, Cluster algebras and related topics, Seoul National University, online, July.
- Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps, AGEA seminar, online, July.
- Can we recover the history of life with mathematics?, seminar talk, Fordham University, April.
- Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps, Special Session on Moduli of curves, Hilbert schemes, and tropical geometry, AMS Sectional Meeting, online, March.
- Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps, ZAG seminar, online, December.
- Let’s count points!, seminar talk, Fordham University, November.
- Finite generation of the algebra of conformal blocks via birational geometry, Geometry and Topology Seminar, Virginia Commonwealth University, May.
- (canceled due to COVID-19) Point configurations and metric trees, Special Session on Moduli of curves, Hilbert schemes, and tropical geometry, AMS Sectional Meeting, Tufts University, March.
- (canceled due to COVID-19) Finite
generation of the algebra of conformal blocks via birational geometry, Special Session on Quantum Algebra and Geometry, AMS Sectional Meeting, University of Virginia, March.
- Let’s count points!, colloquium talk, Claremont Center for Mathematical Sciences, November.
- Phylogenetic trees, tropical geometry, and point configurations, seminar talk, Fordham University, October.
- Geometry of quotient varieties and the algebra of conformal blocks, seminar talk, Claremont McKenna College, April.
- Equations for point configurations to lie on a rational normal curve, seminar talk, KIAS, May.
- Finite generation of the algebra of type A conformal blocks over a curve – Part 2, Algebraic Geometry in Gunsan, Gunsan, May.
- Introduction to conformal blocks, six-hour lecture, IBS-CGP, May.
- On zeros of complex polynomials, colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics Education, Seoul National University, May.
- Equations for point configurations to lie on a rational normal curve, seminar talk, Seoul National University, December.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces, seminar talk, Fordham University, December.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, Johns Hopkins University, November.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, University of Massachusetts Amherst, November.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, Workshop on Topics in Algebraic Geometry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, November.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, Rutgers University, October.
- Let’s count points!, colloquium talk, Swarthmore College, September.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, KAIST, June.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, Seoul National University, June.
- Rationality of moduli spaces of hyperplane arrangements, One-day workshop on hyperplane arrangements and singularities, KIAS, June.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, KIAS, June.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces, colloquium talk, University of Seoul, June.
- Let’s count points!, colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics Education, Seoul National University, June.
- Some facts that you may not know about right triangles, math club talk, Fordham University, May.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, Courant Institute, April.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces, colloquium, Claremont McKenna College, February.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces, seminar talk, University of Arizona, February.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces, colloquium, University of Kentucky, January.
- Classical invariant theory and birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, Joint Mathematics Meeting, Atlanta, January.
- Classical invariant theory and birational geometry of moduli spaces, Workshop on Combinatorial Moduli Spaces, Fields Institute, December.
- Classical invariant theory and birational geometry of moduli spaces, seminar talk, Princeton University, November.
- A computational approach to the F-conjecture, seminar talk, KIAS, May.
- A computational approach to the F-conjecture, seminar talk, KAIST, May.
- Geometric invariant theory and construction of moduli spaces, colloquium, Kyoungbook National University, May.
- Moduli spaces and birational geometry, colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics Education, Seoul National University, May.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, Seoul National University, May.
- Algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, and invariant_theory, seminar talk, Ewha Women’s University, May.
- A computational approach to the F-conjecture, Workshop on Rational Curves and Moduli, Damyang, May.
- Let’s count points!, math club talk, Fordham University, December.
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles, seminar talk, Stony Brook University, November.
- Classical invariant theory and birational geometry of moduli spaces, mathematics colloquium, Rutgers University-Newark, November.
- Effective curve class computation on moduli of rational curves, seminar talk, KIAS, August.
- Alternative compactifications of the moduli space of pointed rational curves, seminar talk, IBS-CGP, July.
- Do we really need integral?, math club talk, Fordham University, March.
- Alternative compactifications of the moduli space of pointed rational curves, seminar talk, KIAS, January.
- Alternative compactifications of the moduli space of pointed rational curves, seminar talk, Seoul National University, December.
- Alternative compactifications of the moduli space of pointed rational curves, seminar talk, Yale University, November.
- Birational geometry of $\bar{M}_{0,n}$ and conformal blocks, seminar talk, KIAS, July.
- Moduli spaces and their birational geometry, seminar talk, Ehwa Women’s university, July.
- Euler’s product formula and its geometric interpretation, colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics Education, Seoul National University, July.
- Birational geometry of $\bar{M}_{0,n}$ and conformal blocks, seminar talk, KAIST, July.
- Mori’s program for $\bar{M}_{0,n}$, seminar talk, KAIST, July.
- GIT compactifications of $M_{0,n}$, The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013, Busan, July.
- Compactifications of moduli of curves, series lecture at KIAS, June.
- Birational geometry of $\bar{M}_{0,n}$ and conformal blocks, seminar talk, Princeton University, March.
- Moduli spaces and their birational geometry, seminar talk, Fordham University, February.
- Moduli spaces and their birational geometry, seminar talk, University of Georgia, February.
- Toward a classification of projective modular compactifications of $\bar{M}_{0,n}$, seminar talk, University of Georgia, October.
- Introduction to Geometric Invariant Theory, four-hour lecture on Summer School on Algebraic Geometry, Sol Beach, June.
- New family of nef divisors on $\bar{M}_{0,n}$, seminar talk, KIAS, June.
- GIT compactifications of $M_{0,n}$, seminar talk, KIAS, June.
- GIT compactifications of $M_{0,n}$, seminar talk, Seoul National University, June.
~ 2011
- Mori’s program for moduli spaces of pointed curves and psi-classes, seminar talk, University of Georgia, September 2011.
- Moduli spaces and their birational geometry, Algebra camp, Seoul National University, August 2011.
- Mori’s program for moduli spaces of pointed curves and psi-classes, Workshop on Moduli and Birational Geometry, Gyeongju, July 2011.
- Mori’s program for $\bar{M}_{0,n}$, seminar talk, Brown University, May 2011.
- Moduli spaces and its birational geometry, seminar talk, Chungnam University, April 2011.
- Mori’s program for the moduli space of pointed stable rational curves, Global KMS International Conference, Postech, October 2010.
- Introduction to moduli spaces, Workshop for Young Mathematicians in Korea, KAIST, July 2010.
- Elementary construction of the moduli spaces of rational curves via GIT, Mini workshop on curves, Seoul National University, March 2010.
- On GIT constructions of Kontsevich moduli spaces of stable maps, Joint Meeting of the KMS and AMS, Ewha Women’s University, December 2009.
- Cohomology of moduli spaces of stable maps to projective space, Algebra camp, Seoul National University, January 2008.
Visiting positions
- Università di Genova, July – August, 2024.
- Stanford University, Fall 2021 – Spring 2022.
Event organization
- A Showcase of Algebraic Geometry at Undergraduate Institutions, AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, September 14-15, 2024.
- Workshop on Geometry of Moduli Spaces, Gangneung, August 25-28, 2022.
Academic travel
- AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting, California Polytechnic, May 3-4, 2025.
- Workshop on Perspectives on Moduli in Algebraic Geometry, Brin Mathematics Research Center, University of Maryland, January 27-31, 2025.
- Postech, November 9-14, 2024.
- AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, September 13-15, 2024.
- Università di Genova, July 21 – August 4, 2024.
- Claremont McKenna College, June 24 – 28, 2024.
- AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, April 20-21, 2024.
- AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Howard University, April 6-7, 2024.
- Joint Mathematical Meeting, San Francisco, January 3-6, 2024.
- AGNES, University of Pennsylvania, October 13-15, 2023.
- Quantum invariants and low-dimensional topology, American Institute of Mathematics, August 14-18, 2023.
- AGNES, Stony Brook, April 28-30, 2023.
- Explicit Moduli Problems in Higher Dimensions, Banff International Research Station, February 26-March 3, 2023.
- Collaboration@ICERM on Point configurations on projective varieties, ICERM, January 9-13, 2023.
- Workshop on Geometry of Moduli Spaces, Gangneung, August 25-28, 2022.
- MPS Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry 2022, Simons Foundation, online, February 23-25, 2022.
- Workshop on Fano spherical varieties, KIAS, online, February 3-5, 2022.
- Moduli spaces for algebraic dynamical systems, American Institute of Mathematics, September 27-October 1, 2021.
- Cluster algebras and related topics, Seoul National University, online, July 12-15, 2021.
- SQuaRE on Computational aspects of GIT with a view toward geometry of moduli spaces, American Institute of Mathematics, June 14-18, 2021.
- Moduli of Curves, Hilbert Schemes, and Tropical Geometry, Brown University, online, March 20-21, 2021.
- Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, February 1-5, ICERM, online, 2021.
- AGNES, Boston College, September 20-22, 2019.
- SQuaRE on Computational aspects of GIT with a view toward geometry of moduli spaces, American Institute of Mathematics, June 24-28, 2019.
- Recent Progress in Moduli Theory, MSRI, May 6-10, 2019.
- AGNES, University of Massachusetts Amherst, March 22-24, 2019.
- AGNES, Brown University, September 21-23, 2018.
- SQuaRE on Computational aspects of GIT with a view toward geometry of moduli spaces, American Institute of Mathematics, June 4-8, 2018.
- Algebraic Geometry in Gunsan, Gunsan, May 27-30, 2018.
- AGNES, Rutgers University, April 13-15, 2018.
- Workshop on Topics in Algebraic Geometry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, November 3-5, 2017.
- Conference on Birational Geometry, Simons Foundation, August 21-25, 2017.
- Hodge Theory, Moduli and Representation Theory, Stony Brook, August 14-18, 2017.
- One-Day Workshop on Hyperplane Arrangements and Singularities, KIAS, June 20, 2017.
- AGNES, Stony Brook, April 21-23, 2017.
- Joint Mathematics Meeting 2017, Atlanta, January 4-7, 2017.
- Workshop on Combinatorial Moduli Spaces, Fields Institute, December 5-9, 2016.
- Introductory Summer School on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, Fields Institute, July 18-22, 2016.
- Workshop on Rational Curves and Moduli, Damyang, Korea, May 12-15, 2016.
- Invitation to Gromov-Witten theory, Stony Brook, January 30, 2015.
- AGNES, University of Pennsylvania, October 31-November 2, 2014.
- Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Complex Geometry, Daejeon, Korea, August 6-10, 2014.
- Geometry and Physics of Gauged Linear Sigma Model and its Related Topics, KIAS, Korea, July 28-August 1, 2014.
- AGNES, Stony Brook, April 25-27, 2014.
- Workshop on birational geometry and stability of moduli stacks and spaces of curves, Hanoi, Vietnam, January 5-11, 2014.
- Mini school on K-stability, Stony Brook, December 6, 2013.
- AGNES, Boston College, October 25-27, 2013.
- The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013, Busan, Korea, June 30-July 4, 2013.
- Summer School on Algebraic Geometry, Sol Beach, Korea, June 24-28, 2013.
- Motivic Invariants and Singularities Thematic Graduate Summer School, Notre Dame, May 27-31, 2013.
- Recent Advances in Algebraic Geometry, University of Michigan, May 16-19, 2013.
- Log Minimal Model Program for Moduli Spaces, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, December 10-14, 2012.
- Workshop on Moduli and Birational Geometry, Busan, Korea, July 9-13, 2012.
- Summer School on Algebraic Geometry, Sol Beach, Korea, June 25-29, 2012.
- UGA’s Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium, University of Georgia, May 25-28, 2012.
- The UGA VIGRE Algebraic Geometry Summer School, University of Georgia, May 20-June 2, 2012.
- Tropical Geometry Workshop, CIEM, Castro Urdiales, Spain, December 12-16, 2011.
- AGNES, Stony Brook, October 29-30, 2011.